The changes to the points test from 16 November 2019 include:

  • 10 points for Specialist Educational qualifications. Currently 5 points.
  • 10 points for applicants with a skilled spouse or de facto partner (under 45 with Competent English, suitable skills assessment and with an occupation on the same skilled occupation list). Currently 5 points.
  • 10 points for applicants who do not have a spouse or de facto partner or who have a spouse or de facto partner who is an Australian citizen or a Permanent resident (New)
  • 5 points for applicants with a spouse or de facto partner who has competent English (New)
  • 15 points for applicants who are nominated by a State or Territory government, or who are sponsored by a suitable family member. These points are relevant to applicants for a Subclass 489 visa or the new Subclass 491 visa. Currently 10 points.